Do you know the dual education system – which has proven its advantages in Austria, Germany and Switzerland? Do you know that it could be your chance for the dream job? Are you aware that dual education is already possible in Bulgaria?
Here you can find information on how to become a student in a dual class, how your training in a dual system will go, what are its advantages and chances for you.
Advantages of dual education
- You have an interesting profession that you study in a real work environment, with real colleagues and real tasks.
- By alternating theory and practice, learning becomes enjoyable and interesting, easy to remember.
- You receive a state scholarship in 8th, 9th and 10th grade as a student of dual system.
- You are motivated - you can immediately see the practical application of what you have learned.
- You get to know your future employer.
- You gain work experience.
- You develop into an independent and responsible person.
- You earn your own income in 11th and 12th grade.
- You prove your abilities and can continue developing.
- After graduation you are ready to start work immediately.
- You have a better chance as a qualified specialist on the labor market.
- You are competitive in all EU countries.
How to get a sudent in a dual education class
To become a student in a dual form class, there must be a school in your region that has a contract with one or several companies for dual system training.
Under the program GODUAL dual system training is conducted in different schools in the following cities:
Stara Zagora
Gara Elin Pelin
Veliko Tarnovo
Dual education is also offered in several other cities in the country through various initiatives and partnerships.
After recognizing the school, you must successfully pass the exams in Bulgarian language and literature and mathematics at the end of 7th grade and submit your application for admission to the relevant class and school.
If the school has more than one partner company, in the 10th grade all pupils will be distributed in all partner companies according to pre-specified criteria.
Before the actual training in a real work environment, each student signs an employment contract with the company in which he is assigned. The remuneration he will receive in 11th and 12th grade would be specified. As an employee of the company, the student also receives all social benefits provided by the company.
How the training goes
In the school the general education subjects are mastered, as well as the theory of the specific ones for the profession.
The actual training in a real work environment of the students takes place in the 11th (two days a week) and 12th grade (three days a week) in the company.
The training in the firm is led by specially trained mentors. One mentor is responsible for up to 5 students. In the educational process the mentor and the student follow the topics which are included in a special curriculum for the studied profession.
Training in a real work environment in the company is part of the student's secondary education and presence in the company is mandatory. In a special diary presences/absences, set and mastered topics, and assessment grades are listed.
On the part of the school, the learning process in the partner company is monitored and controlled by a teacher-methodologist.
At the end of the training, students receive a certificate of professional qualification and a diploma of secondary education, which entitles them to continue their studies at the university if they wish.
In Bulgaria, both companies and various programs support the dual education as well as the Ministry of Education and Science which makes it possible to modernize the material base in vocational schools, purchase specialized training software and provide a modern learning environment for students who choose to study in dual system.
Opportunities after the training
Completing a dual form of training, you can immediately start working in the training company, you are competitive on the Bulgarian and European labor market, and why not - start your own company?
At the end of the dual system training, there is no obligation on either side - company or the student - to be bound by a permanent employment contract.
After graduating students often continue to work in the training company, but at the same time continue with their education at university level. Some firms offer financing of higher education.
Participating companies in a dual education are looking for employees at any hierarchical level, which allows career development and growth in the company.
It is up to you to develop your potential and show motivation!