The dual education system is a great chance for schools to establish partnerships with businesses in the region and to provide quality education to their pupils and successful placement after graduation. This way, they manage to attract more students and be competitive.
As a result of good dual form partnerships, many schools are upgrading their facilities and teaching aids, teachers have the chance to get in touch with newest technologies and equipment on the market.
Dual form partnerships can be initiated by both - companies and schools.
The school must have an official application from the company for a class in dual education form to be permitted. There the firm should point the profession and the number of pupils that the company wants and can train in the 11th and 12th grade as well as the partner's clear commitment to cooperation.
After a class is made school and company must sign a partnership contract for dual education.
Details about the dual education system in Bulgaria could be find in the following ordinance.
The dual education is a high priority of the Bulgarian government and the Ministry of Education and Science, which creates conditions for various incentives of promotion for schools and companies.